If you’re like me--a ducks-in-a-row-kind-of person—you know that it’s easy to get caught up planning for the future. It’s also cause for getting overwhelmed because you constantly have something to do.
With college graduation looming, and life about to be in transition, I’ve recently talked with my friends about how to cope. Our conclusion…. be selfish!
There is such a negative connotation with the word "selfish" because people assume it means being greedy. To me, being selfish also means taking care of yourself. And by simply putting self-improvement on the top of the list, others will see the light that burns within.
You ask: How am I supposed to “be selfish?” So simple, my friends!
Make a list of things that make you happy. It could be something a simple as reading a magazine, painting your toes, or working out. It could be more involved: traveling, writing a screenplay, or joining an art class. Each day do at least one thing on that list. The better you feel, the more things you’ll do on that list
Once you’re happy with yourself (or getting there), others sense it. Who doesn't want to be around somebody who emulates an inner peace and positive thinking?
Go ahead, flick the light on. It's a bright place to be.